SMTP Authentication
SMTP Authentication
In order to enable SMTP Authentication, please follow these steps within your email client:
Using Outlook 2007 and older
Click TOOLS from the email client menu
Click Next (provided the account does indeed exist on your local PC)
Select applicable email account and click 'Change'
Click the 'More Settings' button
Select the 'Outgoing server' tab
Ensure that the first option, 'My outgoing server requires authentication' and the second option'Use same settings as my incoming mail server' is checked on
Select the 'Advanced' tab
Set the Outgoing Server (SMTP) Port to 587
The Incoming Server (POP) Port should be set to the default setting, 110
Click 'OK' to save these settings
Click 'Next' and 'Finish'
Select the 'Outgoing server' tab
Ensure that the first option, 'My outgoing server requires authentication' and the second option'Use same settings as my incoming mail server' is checked on
Select the 'Advanced' tab
Set the Outgoing Server (SMTP) Port to 587
The Incoming Server (POP) Port should be set to the default setting, 110
Click 'OK' to save these settings
Click 'Next' and 'Finish'
Using Outlook 2010 - 2016
Click FILE from the email client menu
Choose EDIT ACCOUNT SETTINGS from the drop down
Double click on applicable email account to open the settings
Click the 'More Settings' button
Select the 'Outgoing server' tab
Ensure that the first option, 'My outgoing server requires authentication' and the second option'Use same settings as my incoming mail server' is checked on
Select the 'Advanced' tab
Set the Outgoing Server (SMTP) Port to 587
The Incoming Server (POP) Port should be set to the default setting, 110. IMAP port is 143
Click 'OK' to save these settings
Click 'Next' and 'Finish'
Select the 'Outgoing server' tab
Ensure that the first option, 'My outgoing server requires authentication' and the second option'Use same settings as my incoming mail server' is checked on
Select the 'Advanced' tab
Set the Outgoing Server (SMTP) Port to 587
The Incoming Server (POP) Port should be set to the default setting, 110. IMAP port is 143
Click 'OK' to save these settings
Click 'Next' and 'Finish'